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How Donovan Sloan made mistakes not following his gut.

Updated: Dec 3, 2021

After a long day of thinking of what my next topic is going to be about, I came up with the topic of how not following your gut can cause you to make plenty of mistakes. With this topic I interviewed Donovan Sloan, who is also a student at the same college I attend, but he just isn't some student that I don't know he is what I consider a brother. the first mistake he made not following his gut was him being stubborn and not going to see his trainer to get his knee checked out because he felt pain every time he would move it, but he continued to play on it, then next thing you know h ended up hurting his knee even more to the point where he couldn't finish his senior season in high school. Donovan's second mistake was him paying more attention to the sport he was playing instead of paying attention to his books that could help him gain the knowledge he needed to get him to having more college options. The last mistake he made was him telling his parents that he had to take summer courses, so he could get his GPA (Grade Point Average) where it needed to be in order for him to be able to be eligible to play his sport, which is football. Another reason he needed to get his GPA back up is so that he knows that he is smarter than he thinks he is, which gives him more confidence to do better.

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