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Mistakes within my career

Updated: Dec 3, 2021

Today's topic is about some mistakes I've made while trying to further my career over the last couple of years. I will take it back to when it all started, which was when I was in high school trying to figure out if I wanted to go into the workforce after high school or go to college to pursue a degree or multiple degrees, but of course I chose to go to college to pursue a degree. The reason I felt like that was a mistake is because I felt as if I should've known what I wanted to do with my life ahead of time, but I'm glad I took some time to think about what I really wanted to do with my life. Now fast forward my freshman and sophomore years in college, which I've struggled through because of simple mistakes like going to hang out with my friends knowing that I should be studying for the test I have the next day, not getting enough sleep, doing assignments or projects that requires more time to do the day before its due resulting into me having to continue to do the work the day its due because I would fall asleep while trying to finish the assignment or project. This year I'm a junior in college and I'm doing a whole lot better with organizing my time with classwork, personal issues, and my brothers from another mother. On a positive note I came to the realization of being patient and keeping my trust in faith in God and myself to keep going no matter how hard life gets for me.

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